Hey, thought I'd start a blog now before Uni (if i actually get in...if i dont i might still carry this on i dont know!) its a good habit to get into; lets my friends & family back home see what i'm up to & also will be funny to look back at in the future, i'll probs lol at how much i've changed!
So yeah, if i dont get into uni i'll do some college course or try & get a job (pfft! yeah right, the recessions raping companies so bad, theres like no jobs out there!) but what i really wanna do is get into uni. My accommodation is sorted, to be honest it's really crap; they said the rooms were dished out first come first serve which HAS to be bollocks; me & Rosie sent our forms off the very day we got them so noone could have beaten us...unless they have like super powers!
I have to share a bathroom (i know right!!) AND have to pay loads just to have internet, whilst the en suite rooms had broadband all included....ah well it'll make me appreciate my home alot more!
After 3 years at Uni i can FINALLY get a new dog. My best friend of 13 years died back in May & the house hasn't been the same since.
So yeah, George was a rough collie. We got him when i was 5 years old so u can imagine how distraught i was when we had to put him down, it was the most traumatic time of my life...not to mention the drama of exams & finishing 6th form making life a whole lot harder! It's already made me a stronger person though, i learnt that i depend too much on other people and that change can be good. So after 3 years without a dog i know exactly what i want for a new best friend...
A sheltie! Just like George but smaller. They can do agility, i've always wanted to try it ever since i was little but George wasn't really up for jumping & as for tunnels...he was scared of the dark & heights - so see saws & ladders were also written off!
My parents want a doberman so i'm allowed my own little dog as long as i look after it & pay for it =]
& once i get a good enough job & budget myself i can get a haflinger, after years of having Megan I need another one from the same stud she came from! Some sort of relation too so it'll have similar characteristics & stuff!
So big blonde & beautiful, theyre the only ponies for me =D
Anyway, this first blog has droned on waaaayy too long. I'll try to blog as often as i can, wanna build up an archive for my future. The futures a scary thought but i wanna achieve my goals so i've gotta look to it often, its inevitable!
Peace out cub scout
Ally Sykes xx